Chicanos Por La Causa

Founded and incorporated in 1969, Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc., (CPLC) was created by a group of community and student activists of Mexican descent to address the problems of the barrios of South Central Phoenix, Arizona.

Although their initial focus was to create employment opportunities and combat community deterioration, CPLC became increasingly aware that these problems were much deeper rooted. As a result, CPLC expanded its services and provides assistance to disadvantaged individuals regardless of ethnic origin.
CPLC is the only community development corporation in Arizona that offers extensive services in both urban and rural areas. Its service delivery system provides bilingual and bicultural social services in Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada impacting more than two hundred thousand people of low-income yearly.

In its perpetual drive to provide needed services, CPLC continually assesses the needs of the community and develops programs and services that address these needs, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, or creed.
Through thoughtful planning, CPLC established and currently focuses on the following services within the program lines listed below:
Health and Human Services
Economic Development